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Interaction from you website visitors is now a key part of SEO in 2012. There are lots of advanced things you can do to get more Facebook Likes and social shares and encourage more user interaction...things such as reward plans for frequent visits are great ideas, offering special gifts or bonuses for carrying out certain actions such as clicking the Like button is another idea I've played with [...]
How to Make Attractive Aweber Forms
One question I get asked all the time is how to make attractive Aweber optin forms? The truth is, with some basic knowledge of using the "Print Screen" function and some basic image editing skills, there's no reason why you can't make professional looking optin forms for your website. In the video below I walk you through the entire process I use from start to finish...If you find this video [...]
How Can I Help You
Different people struggle with internet marketing for different reasons. Today I want to ask you what I can do to help. If you're struggling, why are you struggling? What's the 1 thing I could offer you to help you have more success online? What do you need? Send me your thoughts, I'm listening.
Google Panda Update October 2011
Until now, all of the Google Panda updates have only made my sites stronger by rewarding them with better rankings in Google. On the 14th of October however, I did see a sharp and noticeable change in my traffic due to a slight drop in rankings on a couple of my websites. Check out these traffic screenshots from Google Analytics: Website 1: Website 2: Both these websites lost rankings for [...]

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Google Insights for Search
Google Insights for Search is a cool free tool Google offers which allows me to be doubly sure about a keyword before I dive in and start a campaign around it, or before I add a new page to my website which targets that keyword. What Google Insights for Search does is allow you to see a snapshot of this history and trends of a keyword, and most importantly, how much traffic that keyword generates. Google [...]
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